Marlena Shaw "Who Is This Bitch, Anyway?"

featuring Chuck Rainey, David T. Walker, Harvey Mason, Larry Nash

in Billboard Live Osaka
7.22(Thu) - 7.24(Sat)
住所 : 530-0001 大阪市北区梅田2丁目2番22号 ハービスPLAZA ENT B2
TEL : 06-6342-7722 (平日11時〜22時/土・祝11時〜21時/平日休演日11時〜19時/定休日 日曜)

in Billboard Live Tokyo
7.26(Mon) - 7.27(Tue) 7.29(Thu) - 7.31(Sat)
住所 : 107-0052 東京都港区赤坂9丁目7番4号 東京ミッドタウン ガーデンテラス4F
TEL : 03-3405-1133 (平日 11時〜22時/土日祝 11時〜21時/平日休演日 11時〜19時/不定休)

Marlena Shaw
(born Marlina Burgess, September 22, 1942, New Rochelle, New York) is an American singer. Shaw began her singing career in the 1960s and is still singing today. Her strongest fan base was in the African American community. Her music has reached out and touched all forms of music,