
2GO Calendar かかしまつり


2GO Calendar マルシェ・ジャポン オダイバ(ハピ・マルシェ):10月16日・17日


2GO Calendar 秋のバラフェスティバル


2GO Calendar ネオ屋台村 スーパーナイト

自然の木々に囲まれた都会の癒しの空間でライブを聴きながら楽しめるビアガーデン「ネオ屋台村スーパーナイト」が今年もスタートしました。 11月まで毎月1回限定で開催の予定です。 ランチタイムに日替わりでやってくる小洒落たケータリングカーがエスニック…

2GO Calendar すみだガラス市

全国初のガラス同業市として始まりました、すみだガラス市。 東京下町近隣のガラス工場が製品を持ち寄り、より多くの方に知って頂くことを目的にしています。◆催事概要 ・日時 2010年10月2日(土)・3日(日) ・内容 恒例の江戸硝子メーカー・理化学ガラス器メ…

TREND JAPAN 炊飯器型ミニスピーカー


TREND JAPAN マジカルポップコーン


TREND JAPAN アメリカでは2008年から展開されているディズニーの「バイナルメーション

ディズニー公式コレクションフィギュアですよ。アメリカでは2008年から展開されているディズニーの「バイナルメーション」です。 バイナルメーションは、ミッキーマウスの輪郭をした真っ白なフィギュアに、アーティストがペイントしていくフィギュア。真っ白…



TREND JAPAN 「IPIGLET II」はiPhone/iPod対応のブタ型ドックスピーカー


TREND JAPAN 新幹線型の箸「ハシ鉄」


TREND JAPAN SENZ Umbrellas(センズ アンブレラ)

SENZ Umbrellas は従来の傘の概念を覆すその斬新なデザインで、風の中でベストな位置に傘が動き、一般の傘が裏返るほどの強風の中でも風自体をいなしてくれる、まったく新しいタイプのアンブレラです。http://www.sempre.jp/brand/SENZ-Umbrellas/

Karatsu Kunchi Festival

November 2 through 4Karatsu Kunchi is the prime festival of Karatsu shrine, which has a history of 400 years. The festival is held from 2nd to 4th of November every year. There are fourteen Hikiyama floats. Each float weighs two to four to…



National Treasure INUYAMA castle

One of four national treasure castles in Japan, located on the south side of the KISO River. INUYAMA castle was constructed by uncle Nobunaga ODA, Nobuyasu ODA in 1537. It was at the very border of OWARI (present AICHI pref.) and MINO (GIF…



Kobe Chinatown

Kobe Chinatown (Nankin-machi "Nanjing town") (Japanese: 南京町; Simplified Chinese: 南京町) is located in Kobe, Japan. One of only 3 designated Chinatowns in Japan, Nankinmachi is situated south of Motomachi station adjacent to the elegant…




"Karatsu", which was a front with continents such as Tang(kara) in old days, faces the bountiful sea, the Genkai Sea, bringing up much life, and is defended by the deep, clean natural mountains. Karatsu is the place to have filled the hist…


Hakone is part of the Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park, less than 100 kilometers from Tokyo. Famous for hot springs, outdoor activities, natural beauty and the view of nearby Mt. Fuji, Hakone is one of the most popular destinations among Japa…

Yokohama Chinatown

Yokohama Chinatown is located in Yokohama, Japan, which is located just south of Tokyo. Its history is about 150 years long. These days only a few Chinese people still live in Chinatown, but it has a population of about 3,000 to 4,000. The…


Ekiben (駅弁?) (Railway boxed meal) are a specific type of bento boxed meals, sold on trains and train stations in Japan. Today, many types of ekiben can still be purchased; at stands in the station, on the platform, or on the train itself…

Boogie Board LCD Writing Tablet

The next time you reach for a piece of paper and a pen – Don’t! Grab a Boogie Board instead, the tree-friendly alternative to memo pads, sketchbooks, sticky notes, dry erase boards and other writing/drawing mediums that can be re-used over…



3331 - a place to encounter multiple expressions

Based in the renovated Rensei Junior High School 3331 Arts Chiyoda creates a space in which leading artists and creatives have the freedom to present their diverse expressions. 3331 brings together cutting edge art with the familiar everyd…

Train Room in Akiba hotel for railway fans

The densha otaku (train spotter) is a powerful consumer in Japan. Railway companies take a lot of trouble to create mascots and whole industries of merchandise, and there are countless goods for sale in station shops around the country. Bu…

「 カップヌードルごはん 」

日清食品が8月16日から発売する新商品「 カップヌードルごはん 」。 カップヌードルの定番中の定番、しょうゆとシーフードのあの2つの味が、ごはんで楽しめます。カップヌードルごはん は、カップヌードルの味はそのままにご飯で楽しむ新商品。カップヌード…

AsiaFood Expo

AsiaFood Expo is the most celebrated event in the Food & Beverage Industry. It has proven to be the best source of manufacturing investors’ sectors where processing and packaging for new technology in Handling Machinery Equipment and Techn…

Tokyo Shitamachi Bus

The bus service makes a circuit of seven areas, starting with Tokyo Station and passing through Nihombashi, Akihabara, Ueno, Kappabashi, Asakusa and Ryogoku. As a fixed-route sightseeing bus that requires no reservations and runs daily wit…

Pixar digital photo frame

Greenhouse just released a new Digital Photo frame, the GH-DF35TV, on the Japanese Market. Available from July, you will have to choose between Stitch, Winnie the Pooh and Toy story’s Alien version.